+91 6230520331, +91 8278864551
Working Hours - Mon - Sat:10:00 AM - 03:00 PM
About Us


The Mohit Diagnostic Center is founded with the intention of offering lab and ultrasound tests to the general public in Amb, Una and surrounding locations. We provides all types of ultrasound, Doppler, all clinical lab tests at reasonable rates and we have also computerised ECG facility. We have foreign returned Radiologist with 14 years of experience post PG and qualified lab technician who are ready to serve you.

Explore Our Main Services

Our excellent team is ready to be part of your team to work into the different areas of diagnoses. Scientists helping scientists.

Diagnostic Ultrasound

It known as sonography or diagnostic medical sonography, is a type of imaging that uses sound waves to create pictures of structures within your body. Most ultrasound examinations are done using an ultrasound device outside your body, though some involve placing a small device inside your body. It helps diagnose the causes of pain, swelling and infection in the body's internal organs and to examine an unborn child (fetus) in pregnant women.

In infants, doctors commonly use ultrasound to evaluate the brain, hips, and spine. It also helps guide biopsies, diagnose heart conditions, and assess damage after a heart attack. Ultrasound is safe, noninvasive, and does not use radiation. Mohit Dignostic Center offers 2d, 3d, 4d, and doppler ultrasounds. Ultrasound is used for many reasons, including for :

  • New born baby head.
  • Thyroid & neck
  • Breasts
  • Chest for pleural effusion (fluid around lungs)
  • Abdomen for stones (पथरी), infection and many other problems
  • Soft tissue ultrasound
  • Doppler in pregnancy for baby blood flow assessment
  • Scrotum: Testicles related problems
  • Level 2 ultrasound in pregnancy done at 18-22 weeks for detailed assessment of baby (fetus). Many congenital (वंशानुगत / जन्मजात) diseases are diagnosed in this level 2 ultrasound
  • Uterus (बच्चादानी)
  • Ovaries (अण्डकोष) for many gynaecological diseases and infertility (बांझपन)
  • Prostate (गदूद) पेशाब संबंधी समस्याओं के लिए
  • Urinary Bladder (पेशाब की थैली)
  • Doppler legs to diagnose blood clot/blockage in legs
  • Similarly level 1 ultrasound is useful for congenital/inborn diseases done at 12-14 weeks.
  • Growth Scan: General fetus evaluation
  • Eye Ultrasound : To detect retinal detachment etc (आँख के पर्दे का उखड़ना आदि अनेको बीमारियां पकड़ी जा सकती हैं)
  • 3D, 4D – Baby face photo

Lab Tests Facility

  • CBC - Complete blood count (CBC) is a blood test used to evaluate your overall health and detect a wide range of disorders, including anaemia, infection and leukaemia.
  • RFT – Kidney Functioning Assessment
  • LFT – Liver Functioning Assessment
  • ESR - A blood test that can reveal inflammatory activity in your body
  • FBS/RBS – Sugar Test
  • Lipid Test: A lipid panel is a common blood test that use to monitor and screen for your risk of cardiovascular disease. ( खून में कोलेस्टोल आदी के लिए)
  • Pregnancy Test
  • Thyroid Test : Thyroid hormones के level के लिए
  • Widal Test: Widal test positive values indicate that the person has the Salmonella enterica serovar typhi bacterial infection (Typhoid के लिए). Beside these some of the tests many other tests are also done.

“Best Clinic Services Provide”

“Mohit Diagnostic Center”
Mohit Diagnostic Center's excellence is already well known throughout India. Their kind approach and supporting attitude help to strengthen their reputation. I'll always prefer to use their services than settling for poorer quality and risking my health.
Ravi Shatri
“Mohit Diagnostic Center”
The way Mohit Diagnostic Center put me at ease during the sample collection procedure, and how they helped me to feel at my ease and confidence, is something I'll never forget. They were also perfect in terms of hygiene. Hats off to them!
Rohit Verma
“Mohit Diagnostic Center”
Awesome is perhaps the best term to describe my feelings toward Mohit Diagnostic Center. Efficiency, punctuality, compassion, genuineness... I'll give them excellent ratings in all of these categories.
Bhushan Sharma

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